Friday 16 January 2015

Day 2 Woke at 3am this morning feeling very weak and like I had a bad hangover. Think it is the reboot rather than the cold, my cold symptoms are starting to ease a little. Down to 13stone 8 but I know that's probably just water loss. Still, 6lbs in 1 day ain't bad!!!!! :-) Had my ginger and lemon hot water this morning and now having my breakfast juice of green citrus (bag of chard, half a bag of spinach, 4 apples, 2 oranges). I also added some cinnamon and it is LUSH. Feeling motivated still. :-)
3pm and I had hunger pangs a couple of hours ago and felt rotten - pain all over my body so I had to go to bed. The hunger has gone but am still craving food again so I'm making a Thai veg broth (allowed on reboot plan) and hope that will take the edge off the cravings. The lunch juice was carrot apple ginger and it was OK probably a 7/10 nothing exciting. I'm still feeling motivated and although I dream of cheating I'm not realistically tempted at the moment. Phew! 8pm and Im pretty bored and fed up with liquids and no food.. not helped that ryans idea of ordering a takeaway earlier triggered all sorts of cravings in my head. He was kind enough to resist but had pastichio and garlic bread... one of my most favourite meals (he doesn't know) oh my god i feel like i am dribbling! The Thai veg broth was an absolute winner, I think today would have been a whole lot harder without it. Im still feeling achey all over and generally crappy but determined to stick with it! New juices to try tomorrow :-)

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